July 27, 2024

De La Salle Lipa (DLSL) hailed one top-notcher and a total of 54 passers in the recently concluded Registered Master Electrician (RME) and Registered Electrical Engineer (REE) licensure examinations, Sept. 9.

With a rating of 92.50%, Arvielyn Sambile placed sixth out of 3,857 RME examinees.

With 36 out of 42 successful DLSL examinees, the institution obtained a passing rate of 85.71% which is 22.63% higher than the national passing rate of 63.08%. However, this is 9.03% lower than the previous 94.74% rating in May 2022.

Meanwhile, DLSL notched a 41.86% passing mark in the REE exam, with 18 passers out of 43 examinees. This rating is 8.35% lower than the 50.21% national passing rate and 6.24% lower than DLSL’s May 2022 rating of 48.10%.

The RME and REE licensure examinations were administered last Sept. 3 to 5.


Article by Jazmine Bustamante

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